What are the results of our work?
We create web apps, mobile apps, and business process automation based on a predefined description. Having an idea is enough to create your product because we've already pre-assembled the team to perform its creation on a subscription basis: No-code / low-code projects are created based on preferences on their speed of development, user's capacity, and integrations with external services based on the well-defined description. UX/UI designer creates visual prototypes using top practices and making sure users are happy with them.
How fast do you complete tasks?
Per one subscription you get a low-code developer who works on your tasks. The number of tasks you get done is 10x compared to custom code, but you always have a chance to build code inside your app. A mobile app could be created in 2-3 weeks. Web application can be built 1-2 weeks. Landing pages and business processes automation normally are building in a few days.
What is low-code and how does it help me?
The low-code approach in software development requires little to no coding in the digital product creation process. Using low-code platforms allows you to utilize all the advantages that no-code has and use custom code as soon as needed.
What do I get during the trial week?
Our trial week allows feeling the speed and quality of low-code development that you can get with Pigvin Development. So we start developing your project with all the passion. Another use case is to create a precious scope of all your project's features. Once it's confirmed, you'll get a roadmap of the overall subscription time needed to get it done.